BOOK AN APPOINTMENT (604) 349-5430

Every Smile is Special

Every child, from one to eighteen years old, deserves dental care that caters to their unique needs. At Maple Ridge Dentistry for Kids, we focus on providing children of all backgrounds and varied degrees of treatment complexity with the comprehensive, specialized care and services they require and deserve.

Pediatric Dentistry Services

Preventive Care

Preventive care involves oral health education for both parent and child, including dietary recommendations, the demonstration of good oral health habits – such as brushing, flossing and fluoride doses – and preparing the patient for the dental environment.

Restorative Care

Restorative care is the repair and/or replacement of a damaged tooth. Restorative care procedures include: crowns, fillings, tooth extractions, space maintainers and treatment of nerves damaged by deep cavities.

Mild to Moderate Conscious Oral Sedation

Sedation dentistry is recommended for anxious or restless patients. It involves administering an oral sedative to the patient in order to reduce anxiety and help the patient cope with extensive dental treatments. Your child will be conscious throughout the entire procedure but will remember little to nothing from the event.

Watch Oral Sedation Video

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a very safe sedative. Patients breathe in the gas through a mask and, in a matter of minutes, reach a relaxed state. In this relaxed state, some patients are better able to cope with a dental treatment. Recovery from Nitrous Oxide sedation is almost immediate.

General Anesthesia

For more complex or extensive dental procedures, we recommend general anesthesia. General anesthesia renders the patient unconscious, eliminates awareness of pain and relaxes reflexes during the procedure, keeping your child safe and comfortable.

Treatment – Please click here to prepare your child for general anesthesia.

Behavior Guidance

We are trained in a number of techniques to help children overcome their fear of dental procedures. The most common technique is Tell-show-Do. Other techniques involves the modeling of the desired behaviour by a sibling or a peer.

Special Needs

For children with medical problems, developmental delays, autism, or craniofacial deformities, we provide the specialized care and experience they need for oral health. We work with parents to prepare the child and de-sensitize them to the dental environment over a period of time. For those that require it, we offer general anesthesia at either BC Children’s Hospital or at a private anesthesia facility.

View A Social Story for Autism

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604 349 5430

Unit 107 - 22420 Dewdney Trunk Rd Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3J5

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Half Moon Pediatric Dentistry

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